We are AHA!
AHAINNOVATE LTD (Access Hub Africa) aims to bridge the digital divide in rural Kenya by offering a comprehensive solution for schools without reliable access to electricity and the Internet. The AHA-Kit, a portable solar-powered digital library, delivers high-quality educational content offline, ensuring continuous learning opportunities for students in underserved communities.
What we do
Our range of services includes innovation, research, training, implementation of digital solutions, development of offline access infrastructure, and designing of hardware. Among our services are:
Our Products
The Access Hub is a revolutionary technology product developed by Access Hub Africa (AHA), which is a waterproof, solar-powered, Server in a box solution that operates offline. The device is designed to bring internet connectivity to areas with limited or no connectivity, allowing people in remote areas to access information, education, and various opportunities.
Our Impact
By providing rural schools with access to the AHA-Kit, we are: